Essex County Council
Essex County Council
Essex County Council are very pleased to be members of the North Essex Economic Board (NEEB), working collaboratively on our shared economic growth priorities.

NEEB allows the collective authorities to have one combined voice on strategic issues and deliver solutions, which are not constrained by district boundaries, benefitting the full North Essex area. Essex County Council is committed to exploring further benefits of scale by working together to support our local businesses and is encouraged that NEEBs emerging Economic Strategy will align with the Essex-wide Sector Development Strategy – allowing the growth ambitions from all the member authorities to be channelled into the sub-regional strategic objective.
Essex is one of the largest counties in England with a population of 1,497,800 (2020), working with Southend and Thurrock across what is known as the ‘Greater Essex’ geography. It is a diverse area, with one of the longest coastlines, rural and urban areas and some of the wealthiest and most deprived parts of the country. Proximity to London is significant, with high levels of commuting to the capital or home-based working for London-based employers. Similarly, proximity to areas such as Cambridge, Hertfordshire and Suffolk are factors for people commuting in and out of Essex.
Although there are a number of high-profile large employers in Essex there is a slightly larger proportion of micro-businesses than the regional average, with 90.2% of all businesses employing fewer than nine people and 99.7% of all businesses being in the SME category.
The council is committed to the growth of the county and provides business a range of business support including growth and funding, practical advice and guidance, information on training and apprenticeships, and knowledge transfer partnerships. Find out more.
Corporate Objectives
The Everyone’s Essex plan sets out our 20 commitments for the next four years.
We’ve focused on four areas where outcomes really matter for the quality of life for all people in Essex. They are:
- the economy
- the environment
- children and families
- promoting health, care and wellbeing for all ages